You are valuable…

Sometimes we base our self worth off of what society tells us, or what religion tells us or what random people on social media tell us… but no matter what anyone says, just know that nothing on the outside of you, not looks, nor wealth, gender or any physical or material attributes can add or subtract from your worth. You are more than your body, you are more than what you identify as, you are more than what the world will ever tell you that you can be. The world needs exactly what you have to offer and no one can be you better than you can… you truly are priceless! 💜💜💜

Published by Seekandfind

Seeking elevation in this experience called life... my quest is for a deeper understanding of the connection between the spiritual and natural worlds... to uncover the power that I have to create and to manifest the desires of my heart... to eradicate fear, to have unwavering faith, to become the master of my mind, for the genius within me to now be released. This journey is about purpose, it is about becoming, it is about releasing, it is about healing... most importantly this journey is about loving, the creator and his creation. Getting to know myself beyond who society says I am... I am a seeker of the intangible treasures, wisdom, peace, joy, laughter, alignment, light and love... seek and ye shall find.

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