You are valuable…

Sometimes we base our self worth off of what society tells us, or what religion tells us or what random people on social media tell us… but no matter what anyone says, just know that nothing on the outside of you, not looks, nor wealth, gender or any physical or material attributes can add orContinue reading “You are valuable…”

I Am A Magnet | Meditation Affirmation

As I sat in meditation for a while this morning, I focused on my breathing as well as feeling good in my body… I closed my eyes and I smiled as I visualized great things happening in my life… I even saw myself as a magnet attracting to myself only the miracles, blessings and abundanceContinue reading “I Am A Magnet | Meditation Affirmation”

I Am So Proud Of You | Giving Myself A Pat On The Back

Dear Awesome Self, I am so proud of you… today you got news that seemed bad but you remembered that usually when a situation looks like a setback it’s usually a setup for something better than you could have ever imagined for yourself… today you did not get caught up in questioning and worrying orContinue reading “I Am So Proud Of You | Giving Myself A Pat On The Back”

I Talk To Myself | Self Talk For Anxiety

I need to do self talk on a daily basis… or on an hourly basis sometimes, depending on the circumstances. Usually in the morning as I take a stroll around the neighborhood, with my headphones in my ears, I pretend like I’m talking to someone on the phone but I’m really talking things out withContinue reading “I Talk To Myself | Self Talk For Anxiety”

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